International Inspection & School Accountability

What We Offer:

  • A complete service for contractors, governments and other agencies, designing an inspection system from strategic outline to detailed methodology and guidance
  • We are especially interested in providing flexible consultancy to other organisations bidding for international contracts
  • A quality and impact evaluation and analysis of inspection systems
  • We will listen to the needs of individual states and develop an inspection system to match them.
  • We can train ‘local’ inspectors, and help them to develop their own inspection strategies.

Why We Can Offer This:

  • Adrian has 13 years of inspection experience with Ofsted, working in partnership with British Council etc.; he is supported by other consultants in this work who have experience in other nations such as Germany and Belgium
  • Adrian has several years’ experience of leading on school inspection policy for Ofsted including managing the revision of guidance in 2014
  • Our consultants extensive experience with working with other inspectorates across Europe and as Executive Members of the Standing International Conference of Inspectorates (SICI)
  • This means we can review the strengths and weaknesses of different systems – Adrian wrote the SICI publication Supporting School Improvement across Europe: View The Report
  • Our consultants have already worked with a large number of governments from across the world, providing both strategic and specific inputs – for example in advising the Netherlands on schools and high ability pupils, or Egypt on school inspection arrangements

Every project is designed individually. Please call or email to discuss your needs and explore how we can help.