Services For Multi-Academy Trusts

Building on our extensive experience in senior roles in Ofsted and supporting the work of both local authorities and multi-academy trusts we can offer a range of services for MATs to enable rapid impact and create a flexible approach to CPD, staff development etc.


What We Offer:


TEACHING, LEARNING & ASSESSMENT REVIEWS: it is often helpful to a Trust to have an ‘outside’ view of performance in a school. We can provide this working either with your own staff or fully independently.


CREATING PEER REVIEW SYSTEMS: having worked with peer review systems in both LAs and MATs, we are now skilled at creating effective peer review procedures and leading these until skills become embedded. Our focus is on helping school leaders to develop their own abilities to provide constructive challenge to others, and also to help schools learn from each other including the use of some innovative approaches.


ONLINE PUPIL SURVEYS: surprisingly few schools use online surveys to gather evidence and compare their performance against others, and very few make effective use of regular survey data in their self-evaluation. We provide a quality product with comparison against national samples for around £125 a school – a fraction of what others charge, and less than the true cost of organising it yourself. We provide block rates for MATs and can include additional questions of your choice.


TRAINING FOR NEW AND ASPIRING SCHOOL LEADERS: we have developed an innovative training package to help new and aspiring school leaders master the skills of self-evaluation, development planning, and presenting a strategic analysis of their school. These basic and important skills are rarely a strength in schools, but we offer you an industry-standard approach to effective planning based on effective use of data and other evidence in self-evaluation. We can train a whole SLT together or leaders from many different schools. Our training programmes have been approved and used by ASCL.


STRATEGIC LEADERSHIP FOR HEADTEACHERS: our imaginative and highly effective approach to developing the strategic skills of headteachers has benefited many schools during the pressure of inspection. We teach you how to analyse your school and convey the key messages simply and powerfully in a training programme used in hundreds of schools.


STRATEGIC LEADERSHIP FOR MAT STAFF: it is vitally important that MAT staff are able to select and use data to discuss the progress of schools and he impact of the MSAT, especially as scrutiny from DfE and Ofsted is now increasing. Many MAT staff are highly effective in school improvement work, but need to develop new strategic skills in moving to a role that covers the work of many schools. We can help them do this, and provide the tools and advice to be able to present details of impact professionally and with great clarity. This training can be done in conjunction with our training on MATS AND THE USE OF DATA, which helps by reviewing your current data systems, how you use them, and what you need to do in future.

Why We Can Offer This:

  • Our consultants have more than a decade of experience as an HMI in primary and secondary school inspection and improvement with extensive practical expertise in supporting schools which have been judged inadequate
  • Adrian was the lead author of the key Ofsted publication which informed the ‘requires improvement strategy’, Schools that Stay Satisfactory (2011) and also of the initial materials for all the Ofsted ‘Getting to Good’ seminars
  • Adrian has lead on the analysis of school improvement issues in Ofsted annual reports for the last seven years.
  • Adrian has led Ofsted’s work on community cohesion, helped write the first guidance on ‘British Values’ and worked closely with the RSA in discussions over their report Schools with Soul. Ceri Morgan has particular expertise in maths and the more able.
'Just to say.... the training that we attended yesterday was the most useful that we've been on for ages. The whole process is sure to have a significant impact.'

- Sarah, Head Teacher.

'Your support this half term has really helped to sharpen our practice and we now feel much more prepared for Ofsted. So thank you'

- Headteacher, Yorks/Humber secondary school.

Every project is designed individually. Please call or email to discuss your needs and explore how we can help.