BOOK: European School Inspection and Evaluation: History and Principles

In the next few months SICI will be producing the first ever historical overview of the development of school inspection and evaluation across Europe, entitled European School Inspection and Evaluation: History and Principles.

This important book is being written by Adrian Gray, a former EC member, and will show that school inspection has been a key factor in the European educational landscape for 200 years. The book will also show how inspection and evaluation approaches have changed and developed, especially over the last fifty years, reflecting changing ideas about school leadership and accountability – and also responding to technical changes like new data and exam systems.

This is an important step for SICI as we seek to grow and extend our influence on best inspection practice. We will be developing a number of conference presentations around the content of the book which will be adapted to the needs of audiences such as policy makers, school leaders and new school inspectors. The content will be of great value for education policy makers and inspectors globally as we see how inspection works in different contexts.

If members and other organisations would be interested in booking a presentation, or would like support in developing their own use of the material, please contact the SICI secretariat to discuss your needs at:

SICI will provide a number of copies of the book to each member inspectorate and others will be available for retail purchase. If you would like to order some advance copies please contact the SICI secretariat at the above email.